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Brain Food

Brain Food

Our brain controls so many functions of our body besides being the powerhouse of information. Few vital functions of our brain are motor control, visual processing, auditory processing, sensation and learning. Considering all the functions of our brain there is no second thought that it is the most vital organ of our body beside our heart. Any kind of brain malfunction can be well understood if related to the current technology that is used in computer. The hard disk contains all the vital information of the computer and without it, the computer is as good as dead. If the hard disk crashes it is tough to recover it back and in most cases it cannot be recovered. Similarly if Amnesia or Alzheimer disease affects our brain it first destroys our brain cells and affects our memory. Loss of memory renders us useless, as we tend to forget all the skills that we have learnt over the period of time including language too. Any such disease can turn a human being into nothing less than vegetable.

All the medications used to regain the memory back are used for brain nourishment. This can only be achieved thru universal nourishment of body and brain. In order to have them work both in tandem with each other we must feed our body properly at the same time keeps it active by participating in physical and mental activities such as jogging and memory games. Children in their early stages should specifically be taken care of. Right nutrition can ensure their physical as well as mental well being. Right from the stage of pregnancy, future mothers are administered the right dosage of multivitamins and folic acid to help the brain of fetus grow. In cases where folic acid and dietary supplements are not taken low or no mental growth is observed. In their growing phases children are feeded with health drinks as they become choosy and eat what they like. This leads to various deficiencies affecting growth. This has given rise to so many health capsules and drink but the best and trusted supplement is Cod liver oil. It is rich in Omega 3 fat that helps in better growth of brain. Research proves that children who have been given cod liver oil on a regular basis display good memory and active body.

Over the period of time we barely make use of such supplements and the drug interference makes it worse along with the day-to-day life stress. This makes us prone to several mental disorders such as confusion, attention problem, foggy brain etc. We must not forget that the core brainpower has been derived from the nutrition given at early age and this would not last lifetime. We need to supplement it on a regular basis. There are many over the counter supplements available that are fortified with zinc, magnesium, folic acid and other essential nutrients for brain. But taking these supplements alone will not work wonder over brain hence we need to put in adequate exercise too. Try to challenge the memory often by engaging in memory games and other mentally challenging activities to ensure adequate supply of blood and oxygen to the brain. Taking care of heart and keeping the cholesterol and blood pressure in check also helps in clearing the arteries of any block to allow good flow of blood. Hormones, specially estrogen level should be kept in check as it affects our brain and leads to various diseases in longer run.


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